Baywa re Solar Distribution Completes Comprehensive Photovoltaic Expansion at Nàutic Center in Roses, Girona … – SolarQuarter

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Baywa re Solar Distribution, the distribution arm of the German multinational Baywa re, has completed an expansion project for the photovoltaic installation at the Nàutic Center in Roses. The project, with a budget of €29,296 (excluding VAT), was executed by Catalan company Audit Energía in collaboration with Novotegra, a specialist in photovoltaic mounting systems owned by Baywa re. The installation is expected to achieve a self-consumption rate of 70%.


Audit Energía sourced 44 Jinko Tiger Neo N-TYPE JKM470-60HL4-V solar panel modules from Baywa re. These panels, with 120 half cells, are known for their maximum efficiency of up to 21.78% and low resistance due to the half-cell structure. The panels feature an annual linear degradation of 0.40% over 30 years and a positive power tolerance of 0 to +3%.


The system includes a Kostal III Piko 20 three-phase inverter with a 20 kW power output, a voltage output of 264.5 V, an output frequency of 51.5 Hz/47.5 Hz, and a maximum efficiency of 98%. Additional features include an intelligent shadow management system, automatic DC switch, Smart AC switch, four analog inputs, and internet connectivity.

To ensure proper ventilation and secure mounting, 47 mm high Novotegra minirails and smooth-tipped self-tapping screws were used. The installation utilized 5.40 m insert profiles, specifically designed for the module thickness, with an option for black rails for full black modules. The solar panels are oriented nearly 4º south, optimizing their efficiency.

The German company Baywa re estimates that the client will achieve an average annual saving of €3,900, with a photovoltaic production of 21,300 kWh. The return on investment is projected to be just over eight years.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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