Solar Sales and Services

Upholsterer uses solar panels to generate business charging devices – Jamaica Gleaner

Amidst the chaos and devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl, St Mary upholsterer Cecil Coleman has found a way to help his community while earning by charging phones, laptops and tablets, using his solar panel system. With the loss of electricity in his community in Aleppo, last week Wednesday when the category-four disaster struck the island’s south coast, Coleman was forced to pull out his panel which has been sitting idly by for the past five years. But after setting up the two-panel system on Sunday, Coleman said he was inspired…

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Solar Sales and Services

Public event scheduled next week for Swallowtail Solar project – The Republic

Smith”> Smith Officials with an Arizona- and New York-based company that is seeking to build a commercial solar energy system on nearly 1,200 acres of farmland in Bartholomew County have described the project as a “win-win” for the community and participating landowners. Company officials plan to have a public event next week for people to ask questions. The event will be held at The Columbus Workshop, 4389 N. Long Road, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “We’ve been developing the project for several years in the area and have been…

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Solar Sales and Services

A Reidsville man calls WFMY News 2 after waiting several months for solar panel system to be hooked up –

His solar panels were sitting on the roof for more than six months, non-functional. REIDSVILLE, N.C. — Barry Livesay was looking for a slower and quieter kind of life. About eight years ago he decided to move out to Reidsville. “Very nice, pleasant neighborhood, schools are close, everything is local,” Livesay said. The move to Reidsville has been great for Livesay and his dog who has a much bigger space to run around in. Life is pretty good. “I like it a lot,” Livesay said.  Then about a year ago…

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Solar Sales and Services

Local Titan Solar Power customer reacts to closure – KYMA

YUMA, Ariz. (KYMA, KECY) – Titan Solar Power had been in negotiations with a potential buyer to point the company in a new direction, however, the negotiations fell through leading Titan to close its doors permanently. “Kind of a mixed feeling, thinking though maybe now we can definitely get out of it,” said local customer Lisa Hoganson. The company was founded in Arizona just over 10 years ago and operates in 16 states. However, Hoganson says the company’s end isn’t too shocking. “Not totally surprised I guess by it that…

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Solar Sales and Services

Rooftop solar’s dark side : Planet Money – NPR

Enlarge this image Joe Raedle/Getty Images 4.5 million households in the U.S. have solar panels on their homes. Most of those customers are happy with it – their electricity bills have just about disappeared, and it’s great for the planet. But thousands and thousands of people are really disappointed with what they’ve been sold. Their panels are more expensive than they should be, and they say it is hard to get someone to come fix them when they break. It turns out this sometimes crummy customer experience is no accident.…

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Solar Sales and Services

Rooftop solar’s dark side : Planet Money – NPR

KEITH ROMER, HOST: Thank you for listening to PLANET MONEY. We wanted to check in with you, our dear listeners, to see what we are doing well and how we can improve. So if you can, please take a short, anonymous survey at That’s all one word. It takes less than 10 minutes, and you do all of us at PLANET MONEY a huge favor by filling it out. We especially want to hear from people who have not taken a survey before or are new listeners. You know…

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Solar Sales and Services

Silicon Ranch asks lower fee for solar farm –

Representatives from Silicon Ranch met with the Metro Lynchburg Moore County Planning Commission to discuss the permit fee for a proposed solar farm in Moore County. Silicon Ranch’s proposed 1,400 acre solar panel farm has been a topic of discussion for the Metro Council and the Planning Commission since 2021. After an ordinance for the development of Standards for Ground Mounted Solar Energy Systems (GSES) in November of 2021, discussions for the development of the solar farm have continued. The county fee schedule was put in place to be effective…

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Solar Sales and Services

Best Solar Shingles for July 2024 – Surge Radio

The companies providing quotes may differ from those described in our independent reviews. Solar panels are amazing pieces of tech that can save you money (and maybe even earn some) with no work past the installation process. One problem: Solar panels can look bulky and detract from the beautiful aesthetic of your home. Solar shingles are another option — they’re small solar panels that integrate into your roof to create a more discreet solar system.  “A solar roof is where you have the [photovoltaic] system integrated into the roof design,” Bianca…

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Solar Sales and Services

Where solar is found and used – EIA

Solar energy is sunshine Sunshine is radiant energy from the sun. The amount of solar radiation, or solar energy, the earth receives each day is many times greater than the total amount of all energy people consume each day. However, on the earth’s surface, solar energy is a variable and intermittent energy source. Nevertheless, use of solar energy, especially for electricity generation, has increased significantly in the United States and around the world in the past 30 years. Solar energy resources vary by location The availability and intensity of solar…

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