Colombia’s Ministry of Mines and Energy and IPSE Deliver Agrovoltaic Energy Communities to Indigenous Populations … – SolarQuarter

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The Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia, in collaboration with the Institute for Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions (IPSE), has successfully delivered three agrovoltaic energy communities with diesel backup to the indigenous populations of Chatare, Carpintero, and Venado in the department of Guainía.


The project involved the installation of a total of 544 solar panels and the creation of a hybrid generation system with a total capacity of 220.31 kWp. The investment for this initiative amounted to 15,250 million Colombian pesos (approximately 3.7 million dollars).


In Chatare, a hybrid generation plant with a capacity of 70.87 kWp has been established, featuring 175 solar panels, 48 batteries with a capacity of 4710 Ah, an 18 kW diesel backup, and 209 photovoltaic systems for the dispersed population.

Carpintero received a hybrid generation plant with a capacity of 87.48 kWp, which includes 216 solar panels, 72 batteries with a capacity of 4710 Ah, a 29 kW diesel backup, and 35 individual photovoltaic systems.

In Venado, the installed hybrid generation plant has a capacity of 61.96 kWp, comprising 153 solar panels, 48 batteries with a capacity of 4220 Ah, an 18 kW diesel backup, and four individual photovoltaic systems.

Minister of Mines and Energy Andrés Camacho emphasized the dual purpose of these agrovoltaic energy communities, stating, “They generate photovoltaic energy and also serve as orchards for agricultural production.”

Danny Ramírez, director of IPSE, highlighted the comprehensive nature of the project, noting that it aims to provide energy solutions tailored to the social, cultural, and economic dynamics of the Non-Interconnected Zones. “In Chatare, Carpintero, and Venado, through an innovative system, we build hybrid agrovoltaic power plants. Thanks to the elevated structure design of solar panels, in addition to generating continuous energy, it provides the opportunity to use the land for the development of productive activities of the community,” he said.

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