Empower Energy Pty LTD Unveils Comprehensive Guide to Home Solar Battery Systems – Harnessing the Power of the … – Yahoo Finance

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Empower Energy Pty LTD releases an informative guide unveiling the intricacies of home solar battery systems, empowering homeowners to embrace sustainable living and energy independence.

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA / ACCESSWIRE / April 1, 2024 / In an era where sustainability and energy independence are becoming increasingly paramount, the integration of solar battery systems into residential properties has emerged as a game-changer.

This article covers the key knowledge and tools needed for homeowners to harness the power of the sun effectively. It explores the ins and outs of home solar battery systems, covering everything from functionality and cost to their overall worth as an investment.

How do home solar batteries work?

Here is a summary of how a home solar battery system works:

  • Photovoltaic (PV) panels convert sunlight into electricity.

  • An inverter converts the electricity from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) for household use.

  • Excess electricity is stored in batteries for use when the sun isn’t shining.

  • Hybrid solar battery systems integrate the battery and inverter, reducing energy losses during conversion, and avoiding ‘clipping’ when solar panels are oversized.

  • The best solar-battery products automatically manage the battery to maximize bill savings.

  • Cheaper versions focus on maximizing self-consumption of solar generation but save less money on cloudy days, when the battery is not fully charged, reducing the overall benefit.

Home solar battery systems operate on a simple yet sophisticated principle: capturing solar energy during the day and storing it for later use, e.g. high-cost periods. At the heart of these systems are photovoltaic (PV) panels, which convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity is then directed to an inverter, where it is converted from direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) for household use. Excess electricity is stored in batteries, ready to power your home when the sun isn’t shining.

The best solar-battery products make this process seamless and efficient for homeowners. For example, a hybrid solar battery system, where the battery and inverter are integrated, reduces energy losses that occur when converting from solar panel DC to grid AC and back to battery DC. These systems also avoid solar inverter ‘clipping’, when there is more solar energy from the panels than the inverter can handle, by intelligently focusing charging of the battery at the same time.

The best solar-battery products also automatically manage the battery to maximise your bill savings. Cheaper versions operate to maximize self-consumption of solar generation, however, they do not save money on cloudy days, which occur frequently, especially during the winter, as shown in the figure below. This can significantly reduce the benefit of owning a solar battery.

Australian Capital Cities Average Daily Insolation by Month for an 8 kW PV System

Source: NREL PV Watts

How much does a home solar battery cost?

The cost of installing a home solar battery system varies depending on factors such as system size, battery capacity, and installation requirements, e.g. whether it is configured to back up the grid during an outage.

While the initial investment may seem daunting, it’s essential to consider the long-term benefits. It is therefore important to compare products on an apples-to-apples basis. For example, a 5 kWh battery that is lower priced, could actually be more costly on a $/kWh basis. Dividing total solar-battery costs by the battery’s usable capacity in kWh terms can help ensure you are able to compare different offers on the same cost basis.

Are home solar batteries a worthwhile investment?


  • Significantly reduces your carbon footprint, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future

  • Offers substantial savings on electricity bills, providing long-term financial benefits

  • Increases energy independence and reliability by providing power even when the grid is down

  • Many installers provide estimates of return on investment and payback period, helping you make an informed decision

  • In Australia, battery warranties are required to be 10 years, ensuring long-term protection for your investment


  • Initial upfront costs can be high, but the long-term savings often and increasingly outweigh this

  • Some low-cost solar batteries may not provide the same longevity or benefits as higher-quality options

  • Inverter warranties may be shorter than battery warranties in some cases, which is an important consideration as you need both for the system to operate correctly

  • It’s important to choose a reputable company that will be around to honour the warranty, especially for cheaper products

Blackout-Proofing Your Home: What to Look For in Full Home Backup

One of the most significant advantages of home solar battery systems is their ability to provide full home backup during power outages. You should check that offered solar batteries have advanced features designed to ensure uninterrupted power supply, giving homeowners peace of mind when they need it most.

They key driver of a solar-battery’s backup capability is its energy capacity, measured in kWhs. A battery with 14 kWhs of energy capacity will provide backup for twice as long as a battery with 7 kWhs of energy capacity.

The size of the inverter is also important, as it is what powers your house when the grid is down. Single phase batteries are typically limited to 5 kWs of inverter power capacity. However, in some states, like South Australia, you can connect more than 5 kWs under a special regime. You should check whether a solar-battery can operate under your state and local distribution grid schemes before buying solar-batteries that feature more than 5 kW of inverter capacity per phase.

From automatic switchover to seamless integration with existing infrastructure, the solar-battery installation should be tailored to meet the unique needs of every household. An advanced feature to look out for is pre-charging up when a major storm is forecast, to help ensure that the battery is fully charged when the chances of a grid outage are higher.

Rebates, subsidies, and Virtual Power Plants

Navigating the world of rebates and subsidies can be overwhelming, but it is important to check that a solar-battery is eligible for key government incentives, including Small Technology Certificates (STCs), which are given for solar PV systems, as well as battery rebates, which vary by state.

Hybrid solar battery-systems are at an advantage over non-hybrid systems due to their ability to connect more solar panels (‘oversizing’ them), and their ability to avoid ‘clipping’ of oversized of panels by aligning these events to the timing battery charging. This enables more STCs for a comparably sized inverter, resulting in a higher government incentive, and it enables greater solar panel generation yield, compared to non-hybrid inverters of a similar power in kW terms.

Virtual power plants (VPPs), which are used by VPP operators to provide services to energy retailers, distribution networks, can offer additional incentives for solar-battery homeowners. The incentive structures and levels can be very difficult to compare, and it is important that estimates are able to be compared on an apples-to-apples basis. It is important that your solar-battery is able to participate in VPPs to be able to access VPP payments.

The value of VPP participation depends upon the VPP you are signed up with. A key aspect of VPP offers include the number of days per year that they will take control, as this can result in higher bill costs, and remove the solar-battery’s ability to minimize your retail bill on these days. Other key considerations include upfront and annual payments, payments for accessing kWhs during events, and any lock-in periods.

Which Solar Battery Is Best In Australia – Empower ElectroBank 14

Based on the criteria outlined below, we have identified the top three solar battery products in Australia:

  1. Empower ElectroBank 14 – This is an Australian designed solution that ticks all the boxes, including AI based optimization, and is backed by one of the largest investors in the world. Visit Empower Energy

  2. Tesla Powerwall 3 – Although not built for Australian conditions, and not able to be used by 3rd party VPPs, this is Tesla’s latest and greatest product, which features a hybrid topology.

  3. Sonnen Battery Hybrid – A hybrid system that ticks most of the boxes, it is more expensive than the above alternatives, and is currently being sold by its parent, Shell.

With so many options on the market, choosing the right solar battery can be challenging. As we have summarised above, the top-performing solar batteries include the following key features:

  • Hybrid topology to avoid DC-AC-DC (also known as double conversion losses) and clipping losses, maximize STC credits, and avoid 3rd party solar PV incompatibility issues

  • Ability to integrate existing 3rd party inverters (if you already have one)

  • Built for Australian conditions, including operation at 45C ambient temperatures, and IP66 rating, to guard against critters, sea salt corrosion, etc.

  • Automated optimisation of solar-battery operation, to ensure full benefit capture, even on cloudy days and as major storms approach

  • Flexible hardware and software configuration, to ensure the system is future proof, even as grid conditions, retail energy plans and VPP offers evolve

  • Value for money when calculated on a $/kWh of battery energy capacity basis

The best solar-batteries should be able to provide a 5-7 year payback, depending on prevailing conditions.

In conclusion, home solar battery systems represent a sustainable, cost-effective solution for homeowners looking to take control of their energy future.


Contact Person Name: George Elovaris
Company Name: Empower Energy Pty LTD.
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://empowerenergy.au/

SOURCE: Empower Energy Pty LTD.

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