Endesa launches “Formidable Solar”, the offer that offers 3 years of free electricity consumption when contracting … – REVE

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With this new “Formidable Solar” offer, depending on the number of solar panels installed, the customer will enjoy a volume of kWh per year to consume at €0 for 3 years.
In addition, the client saves from the first moment: they have a 40% discount on the energy term from the moment they contract the solution until the self-consumption installation is legalized.
It is part of the new “Formidable” campaign, which the company launched at the beginning of February so that customers can benefit from greater savings in the form of direct discounts on bills for combining electricity and gas with services.
The use of electricity in homes, companies and public buildings allows us to reduce polluting emissions and, in addition, gain security, savings and comfort.
Thanks to this new campaign, Endesa takes another step in its commitment to customers to facilitate the transition to a more efficient and affordable energy future, positioning itself as an integrated provider of energy solutions for the home.

Endesa has just launched a new “Formidable Solar” offer on the market to make it easier for consumers to make the leap towards self-consumption, start generating their own energy and reduce both their carbon footprint and their bills. Endesa has improved the “formidable” offer that it launched in February of this year and now offers customers a solution with which they can get 3 years of free electricity consumption when contracting solar panels and the electricity rate.

Savings for customers also start from day one. Since before having the installation active, from the signing of the contract, the client can benefit from a 40% discount on electricity consumption, allowing them to save as if they already had the panels installed (24h Tempo Rate).

Once the installation is legalized with the solar panels installed and self-consumption activated by the distribution company, the client can now benefit from the Simply Zero Solar Rate and, depending on the number of solar panels installed, the client will enjoy a volume of kWh per year to consume from the network at €0 for 3 years. This volume is calculated by Endesa, always on the rise, according to its consumption estimates.

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At the end of the three years of the promotion, Endesa’s commercial team will advise clients to change to the tariff that best suits their consumption needs, such as the current Solar Simply with virtual battery, which is the solar solution of Endesa for those who already have their solar panels installed and working.

The global “Formidable” campaign was launched in early February, and a second wave is now beginning. It seeks to help its clients save and simplify their lives with new efficient, sustainable and integrated solutions. Thanks to these solutions, the consumer achieves significant savings directly on their bills, the “tremendous discounts.” In fact, the more products and services that are contracted, the greater the savings on the bill.

With “Formidable”, Endesa takes another step in its commitment to decarbonization, facilitating electrification as the main way to achieve an emissions-free future. Endesa considers its clients as protagonists of the change in which society is immersed. Because to carry out the energy transition, and achieve a more sustainable system, the path must be easy and the solutions competitive and affordable for consumers, covering all their needs. Endesa thus has a fundamental role in pursuing electrification and satisfying its customers through its ability to offer an ecosystem of solutions for a wide target audience.

Everything with one supplier

With “Formidable”, Endesa wants to be close to customers and thus offer them solutions that respond to all their energy-related needs, offering a wide catalog of energy, self-consumption and air conditioning solutions since the launch of the campaign.

One of the keys to this action is that the more services the client contracts, the more savings they achieve. The objective:

That they can save on their electricity and gas bills.
That they can have their installation in optimal condition, covered against unforeseen breakdowns and reliable so that consumption is efficient and safe.
That can cover the need to install or replace a boiler or air conditioning equipment.
That they can generate their own energy and save with solar panels, whether they already have them or need to install them

Other “formidable” discounts

With “Formidable Energía”, electricity, gas and maintenance can be contracted, with an estimated saving for the client of €620* in two years and with “Formidable Equipment”, when a client needs to install or replace a boiler, if they switch to Endesa The associated supply (gas, for example), benefits from a formidable discount on your bill. In the case of gas, in addition to a very competitive price on the boiler, the customer has a direct discount on the gas bill that is estimated at €280* in 2 years.

Endesa is a leading electricity company in Spain and the second in Portugal. In addition, it is the second gas operator in the Spanish market. Develops an integrated electricity generation, distribution and marketing business. It also offers electric mobility services, where it is one of the main charging point operators in Spain, and other value-added services aimed at the electrification of energy uses in homes, companies, industries and public administrations. Endesa is firmly committed to the United Nations SDGs and, as such, decisively promotes the development of renewable energies through Enel Green Power Spain, the digitalization of networks through e-distribution and corporate social responsibility. In this last area we also act from the Endesa Foundation. Our human team totals around 9,000 employees. Endesa is part of Enel, the largest electricity group in Europe.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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