Enel Chile Achieves Milestone with First Energy Synchronization of El Manzano Solar Power Plant’s Battery Storage … – SolarQuarter

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Enel Chile has announced a significant achievement with the battery storage system (BESS) of its El Manzano solar power plant, marking the first energy synchronization of the project. The plant, located in the commune of Tiltil, injected 100% clean hybrid energy into the National Electric System (SEN).


Reportedly, El Manzano is the first park in hybrid format in the Metropolitan region, combining bifacial photovoltaic technology with the BESS system. With a capacity of 67 MW / 2h, the BESS enhances the plant’s efficiency and reliability.


Operated by Enel Green Power Chile, a subsidiary of Enel Chile, the El Manzano photovoltaic park commenced operations in January of this year. Spanning across a 185-hectare property, the park boasts 162 thousand bifacial monocrystalline panels with a capacity of 615 and 610 W, expected to generate 226 GWh annually.

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