GreenGo announces its first two solar projects in Lombardy in partnership with Astrea Energia – Renewable Energy Magazine

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The first (3.5 MW) project will be located on flat land in a decommissioned quarry, while the second (5 MW) project will consist of a floating solar PV plant located on a 10.6 hectare reservoir in the former mining area of lower Pavia.

The two initiatives mark a concrete turning point in the Pavia region’s energy landscape: the total planned peak power is 8.5 MWp with a connection to the local electricity grid.

The objective pursued in the engineering process is to guarantee the minimum environmental impact, also through a careful study of the site’s biological and avifaunal conditions and a construction strategy that minimises the logistical impact on the territory. This strategy also ensures the full reversibility of the intervention at the end of the plant’s life cycle.

The strategic partnership with Astrea Energia was launched in 2023 and underlined Astrea’s solid experience in the renewable energy sector. The company led by Maria Sabella took care of the development and authorisation process, up to ‘Ready To Build’ status, guaranteeing the optimisation of the solar energy produced by the two plants.

“Working with GreenGo, which represents excellence in our sector, on this innovative project is a truly enriching experience and demonstrates how value can be created through the pooling of synergies and skills” said Maria Sabella, Co-founder of Astrea Energia. “This operation adds to and enhances our project portfolio in Northern Italy, which to date exceeds 300 MW. We are confident that soon, thanks to the DM FER X, we will be able to boost the floating photovoltaic sector, which has compelling development potential in Italy, and which would need more convinced government support to be able to take off, also considering the positive environmental benefits by limiting the consumption of agricultural land and protecting water resources while respecting biodiversity. The proximity of the two plants will allow responsive benchmarking across the lifetime cycle of PV systems monitoring of the producibility of floating technology compared with the ground-mounted one.”

GreenGo is currently expanding its presence in Italy and consolidating a leading role in the renewable energy sector. It has projects distributed in 11 different Italian regions, from the South to the North, adding Lombardy to its portfolio of project areas.

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