Installing solar energy systems in seven health centers in Taiz districts – وكالة سبأ

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[Sun, 07 Jul 2024 18:38:09 +0300]

TAIZ July 07. 2024 (Saba) – The Public Health and Population Office in Taiz province has completed the installation of solar energy systems in seven health centers in Al-Ta’izayh, Maqbanah, Haifan, and Sharaab Al-Runa districts , with funding from the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNEPS), at a value of $220,000.

The systems were installed in two centers in Al-Ta’izayh District: Al-Husayn Health Center with a capacity of 8 kilowatts, Al-Shawkani Health Center with a capacity of six kilowatts, Ibn Al-Nafis Health Center with a capacity of 8 kilowatts, and Al-Zawiya Health Center with a capacity of 13 kilowatts, in Maqbanah District.

In a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Director General of the Province Health Office, Dr. Abdul-Malik Al-Mutawakkil, stressed the importance of providing health facilities with solar energy to meet their electricity needs and improve the provision of medical services.

It praised UNPS’ support for health centers with solar systems, which will work to alleviate the suffering resulting from the continuing power outages and the lack of oil derivatives.


resource : SABA

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