JinkoSolar 182mm TOPCon module reaches 25.42% conversion efficiency – PV Tech

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Hao Jin, CTO at JinkoSolar, said: “Thanks to our talented R&D team, we have achieved another breakthrough in module conversion efficiency, leveraging our accumulated experience and continuous efforts in N-type technology R&D. We will continue to invest in R&D innovation and mass production capabilities and contribute to building a greener and more sustainable new energy structure with high-efficiency and reliable N-type product.”

This is the latest conversion efficiency improvement reached by the Chinese PV manufacturer this month. The company recently unveiled a TOPCon perovskite tandem solar cell with a power conversion efficiency of 33.24%, improving its previous record of 32.33%.

With TOPCon expected to lead the market share for modules – well above the 50% mark – for years to come, the technology still has room to increase its conversion efficiency, as shown by JinkoSolar’s latest achievement.

A recent blog post from Clean Energy Associates looked at the technological transition from passivated emitter and rear cell (PERC) to TOPCon and the differences between both. Among other aspects explained in the article are that TOPCon has a 1-2% advantage in energy yield, depending on the location and is the most cost-effective n-type technology.

This post was originally published on 3rd party site mentioned in the title of this site

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