Nextracker Invests $25000 in Kurasí Tury Project for Sustainable Energy in Amazon Indigenous Communities – SolarQuarter

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Nextracker, a leading provider of solar tracking technology, has announced a significant investment of $25,000 in the Kurasí Tury project. This initiative, spearheaded by Revolusolar, aims to develop a sustainable and affordable energy model for indigenous communities in the Amazon. Alongside Nextracker, organizations such as Tardezinha, UCB, and the Honnold Foundation are also involved in the project.


In 2022, under the Kurasí Tury project, which translates to “Energy from the Sun” in the Nheengatu language, a photovoltaic system and an inverter were installed at the Arú Waimi Indigenous Municipal School, situated in the Terra Preta indigenous community, approximately 55 kilometers from Manaus, in the Amazon state. This installation generated a total of 8.2 kilowatts peak (kWp) of energy.


The project also focused on capacity building within the community, with 20 local residents trained as solar PV installers to ensure ongoing maintenance of the installed PV system. Additionally, six workshops on solar energy and climate change were conducted on-site to foster community engagement and commitment to the renewable energy initiatives.


The Kurasí Tury project has garnered support from key indigenous organizations such as the Coordinator of Indigenous Peoples of Manaus and Surrounding Areas (COPIME), the Association of Indigenous Communities of Terra Preta (ACINCTP), and the Federal Institute of Amazonas (IFAM).

Highlighting the importance of renewable energy access, particularly in the Amazon region, where over 14% of the population lacks access to electricity from the National Interconnected System (SIN), the project aims to address energy poverty while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

A report from Revolusolar revealed that during a nine-day period in November 2023, the Terra Preta community experienced a blackout from the grid, emphasizing the importance of alternative energy sources. During this period, the photovoltaic system installed at the school provided the sole source of electricity for the community.

The recent investment from Nextracker will contribute to the second phase of the project, which commenced in December 2023. This phase aims to extend the solar energy infrastructure to power essential community facilities such as the health center, community center, and water pumping system. Thus far, the project has generated 1.3 megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy.

Commenting on the investment, Nelson Falcão, Senior Director of Nextracker Business Development, expressed the company’s commitment to supporting initiatives like Kurasí Tury, emphasizing the broader impact of solar energy beyond clean energy generation. Nextracker’s advanced solar tracker technology, which optimizes power generation through machine learning, underscores their dedication to enhancing local cultures, improving quality of life, and promoting socioeconomic development in communities.

Nextracker’s investment in the Kurasí Tury project represents a significant step towards sustainable energy solutions for indigenous communities in the Amazon. With ongoing support from various organizations and a focus on community engagement and capacity building, the project aims to alleviate energy poverty and reduce environmental impact while fostering local development.

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