Norwegian solar energy company to build manufacturing plant in Tulsa – KRMG

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NorSun, based in Årdalstangen, Norway, announced it plans to invest $620 million into a manufacturing facility to be built on Tulsa International Airport property.

The solar energy company said they’ll build a 5 GW silicon ingot and solar wafer manufacturing facility on roughly 60-acres of land near Mingo Road. Simply put, they will built parts for solar panels.

“I’m proud to welcome NorSun to Oklahoma, and I’m thrilled that Oklahomans will benefit from hundreds of new jobs in the Tulsa area and a $620 million capital investment.’ Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt said. “Our pro-growth polices, workforce development efforts, and ‘more of everything’ energy approach makes us an incredible state to invest in, and I’m glad NorSun can be a part of it.”

The company said it plans to break ground in late 2024 and expects the facility to be open and fully operational 24 months after construction starts.

“Our business plan has an ambitious timeline, so we knew we needed a partner who can work fast and efficiently to meet the critical need of American-made energy,” said NorSun CEO Erik Løkke-Øwre. “Oklahoma impressed us even before our selection journey – its robust clean energy, manufacturing ecosystem and workforce development programs were already on our radar, and its competitive business offerings and site acceleration options solidified our decision.”

The facility will bring 320 new direct jobs to Tulsa, the company said.

“I want to thank NorSun for their significant investment and support to add jobs in Tulsa and create further opportunity for industry needs across the globe,” Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum said. “This project represents the work of so many and we are excited about the positive impact and direction this new development will have in Tulsa and the State of Oklahoma.”

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