Solar Energy World teams up with GivePower for global clean water access – WJLA

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Welcome back to Good Morning Washington’s Solar Powered Minute, where we highlight the most important topics about solar power each week! Joining us again is Wyatt Everhart, Meteorologist and Advisor with Solar Energy World. This week, we’re discussing how Solar Energy World green energy can boost our environment along with helping to bring clean water across the globe with GivePower.

With “131 million in US living in areas with unhealthy pollution levels”, Solar Energy World highlights the environmental benefits of solar power, such as reducing coal and gas usage for better air quality. Wyatt mentions that a portion of the proceeds from every project installed by Solar Energy World goes to GivePower, which provides solar-powered clean water purification stations to communities lacking access to clean water.

For more information, give Solar Energy World a call at 877-SOLAR-TV or book your free analysis on Be sure to mention you saw them on Good Morning Washington or WJLA!

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