Solar sausages: Solar PV rollout to serve up a fifth of Heck! factory’s energy needs – BusinessGreen

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Sausage and burger business Heck! has completed the installation of 433 solar panels, capable of generating 200,000 kwh a year at its HQ in Kirklington, North Yorkshire.

The food company said the project would provide enough clean power to meet 20 per cent of the factory’s needs and save more than 55 tons of CO2. The project received a £49,950 grant from the government’s shared prosperity fund towards the overall investment of £150,000. 

The solar installation provides a further boost to the company’s wider decarbonisation plans. The food producer – which makes both pork and lower-fat chicken products as well as Vegan and Vegetarian Society approved meat-free and plant-based ranges – achieved a 24 per cent cut in its Scope 1,2 and 3 emissions last year.

The firm now hopes to halve its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025 and achieve a 100 per cent reduction by 2030 against a 2020 baseline.

In addition to the solar panels installed on site, Heck! is working on the creation of a “Care Code” spanning initiatives across health, environment, community, and kindness.

“Our Care Code is a four-pronged approach that leads to a better HECK! and a better world,” said company co-founder Jamie Keeble. “We are quite unique in the industry as we make all our sausages, meatballs and burgers at our Heck! factory and we’re the only premium brand who makes their own food. We’ve made a commitment to our consumers and retail customers to show a transparent sustainability journey.

“We have measured our Scope 1 and 2 industry standards emissions for three years now, and as such we’ve managed a 30 per cent reduction in our emissions. We recently measured Scope 3 emissions and are now identifying opportunities to reduce emissions further. Our first annual impact report will be published this year which charts our climate impact across our supply chain.”

Richard Flinton, chief executive of North Yorkshire Council, added: “Supporting the decarbonisation of the county is a key priority for the council. It is brilliant to see this grant have such a positive impact in supporting Heck! Food to install solar panels.

“Manufacturers of quality products like Heck! are an important part of the economy and it is vital they’re supported to reach net zero.”

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