Top Cable Achieves Full Self-Consumption of Solar Energy Across Manufacturing Plants with 20000 Photovoltaic … – SolarQuarter

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Top Cable, a Catalan cable manufacturing company, has announced that it now fully consumes all the photovoltaic energy produced by six installations spread across its manufacturing plants. These installations collectively house 20,000 photovoltaic modules.


In 2024, Top Cable anticipates generating 11 GWh of photovoltaic energy, equivalent to nearly 20% of its total energy consumption. The company’s headquarters in Rubí, Barcelona, features over 4,500 solar panels across two warehouses, with a combined capacity of 2 MW and an annual energy production of 2,490 MWh, implemented by Eidf Solar from Madrid.


At its Sallent facilities in Barcelona, Top Cable has installed more than 10,500 solar panels across three warehouses, totaling 4.2 MW capacity and producing 4,779 MWh annually. In Bellpuig, Lleida, a warehouse roof hosts 3,208 solar panels generating 1.3 MW and 1,516 MWh per year.

Additionally, the Binaced project in Huesca is underway, featuring 696 photovoltaic modules currently generating 600 kW of energy. The installation is projected to reach 842 kWp to maximize efficiency.

This initiative underscores Top Cable’s commitment to sustainable energy practices and significantly reduces its carbon footprint across its operations.

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