East Moline school board: Power purchasing, schedule talks – Quad-City Times

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East Moline school leaders approved new bleacher decals and discussed scheduling, solar panels and other items. 

With only member Amy Beeding absent, the school board unanimously approved the March 25 consent agenda before moving to communications.

East Moline School District

East Moline School District #37 logo. 

Jean Wells, a language arts teacher at Glenview Middle School, shared that she received the United Education Foundation’s “Joy of Reading” Grant. 

This three-year grant allows fifth graders to choose — and take home — a chapter book of their choice, aiming to promote the love of reading at home. 

In superintendent Kristin Humphries’ report, he addressed online registration for the 2024-25 school year. Families will upload required documents to Skyward, making the registration process quicker, Humphries said. 

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He and the board also noted possible 2024-25 meeting dates. Next, they discussed a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) for Ridgewood Elementary School. 

The district would pay no out-of-pocket expenses for solar with a PPA, but would ultimately earn less tax credit utility savings. 

If the district has enough cash on hand to self-fund this project, it would be a better deal for taxpayers, Humphries said.

Next, the board unanimously approved logo additions to Glenview’s north gym bleachers. 

With a total cost of $500, this project will add a “Glenview Gators” decal to the bleacher seat’s endcaps. 

The board adjourned following a brief closed session meeting. 

Next meeting: Monday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. 

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