Gustavus to construct campus’ single largest solar array –

0 minutes, 56 seconds Read

In a major effort to reduce the campus’ energy consumption, Gustavus Adolphus College officials announced that the academic institution will be installing a new solar panel field, capable of powering 10% of the college’s activities.

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Arbor View

Gustavus Adolphus College plans to install a new solar array outside the Arbor View residence complex (above). The system will be able to produce enough energy to sustain 10% of the campus’ activities. (Carson Hughes/

Solar panels atop GAC buildings

Solar panels atop Olin Hall were among the first at Gustavus. The array is dwarfed in size by a planned ground-mounted 1 megawatt solar field to be installed outside the college’s Arbor View residence complex next spring. (St. Peter Herald file photo)

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