JSERC Implements New Regulations For Group Net Metering And Virtual Net Metering, 2024 – SolarQuarter

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In the latest development about renewable energy adoption in the state of Jharkhand, the Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) has introduced new regulations (Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Group Net Metering and Virtual Net Metering) Regulations, 2024) aimed at promoting group net metering and virtual net metering. These regulations, enacted under the authority granted by the Electricity Act, 2003, underscore the commitment to fostering co-generation and renewable energy-based generation, aligning with the national policy framework advocating for energy security through renewable sources.

Under the ambit of the Jharkhand State Solar Policy 2022, the JSERC has rolled out the Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Group Net Metering and Virtual Net Metering) Regulations, 2024. These regulations mark a significant stride towards incentivizing the adoption of renewable energy systems, particularly solar, within the state.

The regulations delineate key definitions and frameworks crucial for the implementation of group net metering and virtual net metering. Group net metering entails the surplus energy generated from a renewable energy system being exported to the grid and adjusted across multiple electricity service connections of the same consumer. On the other hand, virtual net metering allows for the export of energy generated from a renewable energy system to be credited across various participating consumers’ electricity bills within the same distribution licensee’s area of supply.


A notable provision within the regulations is the eligibility criteria for consumers, barring those with pending arrears from availing of the benefits outlined in the regulations. Additionally, the regulations stipulate the procedures for technical feasibility analysis, application submission, and agreement between eligible consumers and the distribution company.

In the context of group net metering, the regulations delineate the energy accounting and settlement procedures. Surplus energy injected into the grid is adjusted against the energy consumed across different service connections, with priority given to certain consumption patterns and time blocks. Any excess electricity credits at the end of a settlement period are accounted for and reimbursed to the consumer at a rate approved by the Commission.

Similarly, the regulations outline the energy accounting and settlement procedures for virtual net metering, wherein energy generated from renewable sources is credited to participating consumers based on predetermined ratios. Any surplus credited units are carried forward to subsequent billing periods within the settlement period, with provisions for reimbursement by the distribution licensee.

To ensure compliance and system integrity, the regulations empower DISCOM officials to conduct routine inspections of renewable energy systems, verifying functionality and adherence to specified standards.

Furthermore, the regulations offer exemptions from certain charges and facilitate compliance with Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) and Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanisms (RECMs) for eligible generators. In case of disputes, mechanisms for resolution are outlined in accordance with existing guidelines. In conclusion, the introduction of the Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Group Net Metering and Virtual Net Metering) Regulations, 2024 reflects a concerted effort towards incentivizing renewable energy adoption and fostering a sustainable energy ecosystem within the state.

Please view the document below for more details.

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