Lawsuit claims Nebraska solar panel installation company engages in deceptive business practices – Lexington Clipper Herald

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The Nebraska Attorney General’s Office filed a lawsuit against a solar panel installation company operating in Douglas and Sarpy Counties this week, alleging salespeople used harassing sales tactics and misrepresented the costs and benefits of switching to solar. 

Filed on Wednesday, the lawsuit claims Everlight Solar, a solar panel installation company that operates in Nebraska and seven other states, “harasses customers in their homes, ignores non-solicitation laws, misrepresents material facts to consumers, and falsely associates with legitimate institutions.”

The AG’s Office is seeking an injunction to stop the company from engaging in the alleged deceptive business practices. It also seeks for the business to pay civil penalties, and to allow “injured consumers,” or those affected by the business practices, to receive refunds and exit their contracts. 

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A company spokesperson said in a statement Friday they “categorically deny” the claims in the lawsuit, and called the portrayal of their business practices “misleading.”

“At Everlight Solar, our team of representatives visit thousands of homes monthly and are expected to adhere to the highest standards of courtesy and respect,” the statement said. “We are deeply committed to the ethical promotion of renewable energy solutions and continue encouraging a transition to solar energy, respecting consumer choice regardless of the provider they select.”

The lawsuit, filed in Lancaster County, has three main claims: That salespeople employ illegal and aggressive tactics, that they misrepresent the cost savings associated with switching to solar, and that they falsely claim to be associated with the Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) and other institutions.

Much of the 25-page lawsuit is dedicated to Everlight’s aggressive sales tactics. The alleged tactics include salespeople ignoring no solicitation signs, going door-to-door as late as 8 or 9 p.m. and staying on people’s property after potential customers declined a free consultation. On one occasion, according to the lawsuit, a salesperson stayed on a consumer’s property for more than an hour and “would not leave until the consumer signed a solar contract.” 

The business is also accused of misrepresenting the cost savings associated with making the switch to solar by saying consumer’s monthly OPPD bills would be eliminated — a claim the AG’s Office said is overstated. 

“Everlight overstates consumer savings in a misleading manner, misrepresents solar as a total market replacement for electric, omits important collateral costs of solar energy, and is potentially misleading some consumers into spending more than they would actually save,” according to the lawsuit. 

The lawsuit further alleges Everlight Solar falsely represented itself as associated with OPPD. OPPD offers a rebate program for solar consumers if they have the panels installed by a member of their OPPD-approved “trade ally program.”

Though Everlight Solar was once associated with the program, OPPD cut ties with the company in December 2022, according to the lawsuit. Everlight is not listed on OPPD’s website as one of their trade allies for solar installation. Despite that, the lawsuit claims Everlight salespeople continued to present themselves as associated with the power district.

Everlight Solar is required to submit a response to the lawsuit by June 8. 

“We are taking this matter very seriously and conducting a thorough review,” the company spokesperson said. 

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