Misenheimer Solar Park construction concludes – The Stanly News & Press | The Stanly News & Press – Stanly News & Press

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Misenheimer Solar Park construction concludes

Published 4:27 pm Wednesday, May 1, 2024

After years of development, construction finished April 24 on a renewable energy project in Misenheimer.

The Misenheimer Solar Park sits on 500 acres of private land about a half mile west of Pfeiffer University along both sides of U.S. Highway 52.

It was developed by EDP Renewables North America, a Houston-based company that operates 60 wind farms and 12 solar parks across more than 20 states and parts of Canada and Mexico. The park features approximately 200,000 panels, ranging from three to four feet by six to seven feet in length.

The park has an installed capacity of 74 megawatts, making it likely one of the largest projects in the state. The power generated, equivalent to the consumption of more than 12,000 North Carolina homes, will support the area’s electric grid and be purchased by Duke Energy.

The solar panels will absorb the sunlight and convert it into electricity. It will then be collected and transformed via inverters into alternating-current and entered into the electrical grid through a substation after being converted to the proper voltage.

EDPR has three solar parks in South Carolina, but the project in Misenheimer represents a first for the company.

The solar park represents a capital investment of at least $70 million, according to the company, and will disperse millions of dollars to local governments throughout the life of the project, including an estimated $3.5 million in taxes to support local schools and community services.

With the solar park completed, the company will begin operations and finalize hiring more team members.

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