Moco Minute | Solar program gives homeowners ways to save on energy costs – DC News Now | Washington, DC

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GAITHERSBURG, Md. (DC News Now) — Montgomery County residents have an exciting opportunity to embrace the power of solar energy through the “Capital Area Solar Switch Program.”

This initiative not only promotes environmental friendliness but also offers substantial savings for homeowners.

Under this program, residents in Montgomery County are stepping into a brighter, cleaner future by reducing barriers to solar panel installations.

Larissa Johnson from the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection explains that “the first goal is to help residents go solar with as few barriers as possible.”

By joining the Solar Switch Program, homeowners can enjoy reduced costs for solar panel installations, leading to significant savings on electricity bills.

Johnson notes the partnership with Solar United Neighbors, a nonprofit organization dedicated to facilitating solar adoption with limited barriers.

She highlights their ability to work with different installers, ensuring quality installations at competitive prices and achieving 100% clean energy.

In Maryland, the program leverages net metering, allowing homeowners to sell excess electricity back to the grid and earn compensation.

Johnson explains, “Essentially, you become your own little power plant when you’re producing extra electricity.”

This initiative aligns with the community’s goal of becoming more sustainable and eco-conscious, making Montgomery County a shining example of harnessing renewable energy for a brighter future.

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