On Earth Day, Biden announces $7B in solar panel investment, hiring for American Climate Corps – Yahoo! Voices

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Speaking at an Earth Day event in Prince William Forest Park in Virginia, President Biden announced two programs dealing with climate change. The first is a $7 billion investment in solar panels for low-income households from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Solar for All program. The president also announced that people can begin applying for the American Climate Corps, a training program for jobs to fight climate change.

Video Transcript

JOE BIDEN: To reduce family energy costs for folks with low and moderate incomes today, the Environmental Protection Agency will invest $7 billion from our Inflation Reduction Act on a new program called Solar for All.


The award grants 60 grants across the country to states, territories, tribal governments, municipalities, and nonprofits to develop programs to enable low income and disadvantaged communities to benefit from residential solar power. And it’s a big deal. This new Solar for All program means that 900,000 households, 900,000, will have solar on the rooftops for the first time and soon. Millions of families will save over $400 a year in utility bills. And that’s $350 million nationwide.

Last fall, I talked about historic new program that my administration was launching with the help of my colleagues on my right here called the American Climate Corps. As I said, and I’m not being solicitous, Ed Markey talked about that long before, long before. It’s patterned after the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Peace Corps and America Corps.

Like them, it brings out the best in young people to do what’s best for America. And we’ll put tens of thousands of young people to work at the forefront of our climate resilience and energy future, clean energy future. Today, I’m proud to announce that Americans across the country can now apply, now apply to become the first members of the American Climate Corps.

We’ll recruit–


We’re recruiting for over 2000 positions in 36 states to start with in Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, with many on the way. Just go to Climate Corps, as mentioned already, climatecorps.gov to apply.

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