The POWER Interview: Innovation, Data-Driven Solar Solutions Key to Grid Stability – POWER magazine

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Growth in the solar power sector is being driven not only by ever-larger utility-scale farms, but also by growth in distributed generation. This smaller-scale use of solar energy is being supported as more homeowners and commercial and industrial (C&I) businesses install solar panels on rooftops, carports, parking garages and more.

Distributed solar power generation is being impacted by federal, state, and local policies involving financial incentives, tax credits, and rebates. Evolving net-metering programs, which vary by jurisdiction, also are increasing the need for industry experts that can help customers determine the best system for their residential or C&I system.

Lumin, a company active in the market for responsive load control and smart circuit technology, is known for offering solar power customers advice on how to navigate the financial aspects of solar power adoption. Kelly Warner, the company’s CEO, has years of experience in the solar power sector and is recognized as a leader in energy efficiency and demand-side management. Warner recently provided POWER with insight into distributed solar power generation and how it can support a reliable supply of electricity.

POWER: What solutions does Lumin offer to address the challenges homeowners face with choosing solar and energy storage systems to support power reliability?

Warner: Lumin has recognized the persistent challenges faced by homeowners who have invested in solar and storage systems in the face of encountering issues like blackouts. Grid load management, time-of-use rates, and the complexities of NEM 3.0 all play a role in solar and storage solutions, and our solution revolves around smart electrical panels. These panels empower homeowners to schedule their energy loads intelligently, allowing them to steer clear of peak hours and expensive time-of-use rates while optimizing their solar and storage investments.

Compared to traditional approaches, the result is an increase in savings of up to 150% on energy bills. But our innovation doesn’t stop there; we’re also exploring a variety of other features that enable homeowners to not only save on their bills but also get paid for stabilizing the grid, reducing blackouts, and contributing to a more reliable energy ecosystem.

POWER: How is distributed solar power generation serving the electric vehicle charging market?

Warner: When examining the convergence of distributed solar power generation and the electric vehicle (EV) charging market, it’s crucial to recognize its exciting potential for utilities. One of the significant developments in this realm is the role of smart electrical panels in load management.

Smart electrical panels, including those offered by Lumin, can enable load management and demand response programs. These technologies can help utilities optimize the use of energy resources, shifting major household loads to times of lower demand. This strategy effectively alleviates the burden on the grid during peak load periods and supports grid stability.

Kelly Warner

Utilities can benefit significantly from integrating distributed solar and energy storage, managed by smart panel technology. This approach allows them to participate in demand response programs, ensuring more efficient grid operations, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced grid reliability.

Ultimately, the amalgamation of distributed solar power generation and smart electrical panels presents a remarkable opportunity for utilities to play a central role in a more equitable, clean energy future. It enables them to meet the challenges of rising energy demand while contributing to grid stability and cost-efficiency through effective demand response strategies.

POWER: What are some of the best battery energy storage systems to pair with distributed solar?

Warner: When considering battery energy storage systems to pair with distributed solar, exploring various options is essential. Several reputable manufacturers, including well-known brands such as Enphase, SolarEdge, and Franklin WH, offer excellent systems. These brands provide high-performance battery solutions designed to work effectively and reliably with distributed solar installations.

Additionally, some homeowners and businesses may opt for a hardware-agnostic energy management solution, which allows for greater flexibility and compatibility with a wide range of battery systems and load centers. Ultimately, choosing the best battery energy storage system depends on specific needs, preferences, and compatibility with your solar setup.

POWER: What new technologies are being studied now to support future distributed solar power generation?

Warner: Businesses and labs are examining various technologies for enhancing future distributed solar power generation at the residential level. One notable area of research is advanced energy storage solutions. Solid-state batteries and next-generation lithium-ion technologies are at the forefront of these developments, offering the potential for increased energy density, extended lifespans, and enhanced safety. These improvements are essential for optimizing the benefits of residential solar systems, allowing homeowners and utilities to store excess energy and use it when needed.

Concerning utilities using stored energy, there is also a strong focus on grid-edge load management and more advanced demand response technology. The role of solutions like smart electrical panels and virtual power plants is growing when integrating more distributed solar into the grid. These systems enable more effective grid management by facilitating dynamic load balancing, demand response, and real-time optimization of distributed energy resources. Furthermore, the rapid electrification of vehicles and homes necessitates more efficiently managed distributed and centralized energy resources. By harnessing the power of these grid-edge technologies, residential solar power generation can become even more efficient and resilient, supporting a sustainable energy future.

POWER: In the context of electrification as a critical decarbonization strategy, how can utilities effectively address the complex challenges of maintaining a stable and flexible grid amid the growing demand for electricity?

Warner: Utilities are increasingly turning to innovative solutions and advanced technologies to address these challenges. One approach involves the integration of grid-edge technologies like smart electrical panels and virtual power plants. Utilities can gain greater control over distributed energy resources by implementing these solutions, including residential solar installations and electric vehicle charging stations.

For instance, companies like Lumin and Leap are collaborating to offer homeowners incentives for reducing energy consumption during peak demand periods, contributing to grid stability and reliability. This collaborative effort exemplifies how utilities can harness technology to efficiently manage demand and balance the grid.

Furthermore, utilities employ data analytics and machine learning to forecast demand patterns and grid conditions. Itron, for instance, has expanded its distributed intelligence platform to accelerate the energy transition. By leveraging data-driven insights, utilities can proactively manage grid operations, anticipate potential disruptions, and optimize the utilization of renewable energy sources, thereby enhancing grid stability.

In summary, utilities are embracing innovative grid-edge technologies and data-driven solutions to address the complex challenges of maintaining a stable and flexible grid in the era of electrification.

POWER: How can utilities lead the industry into a more equitable clean energy future, minimizing the economic energy burden for low-to-moderate income customers while maximizing grid reliability?

Warner: The response to this question must recognize that this is a multifaceted dilemma. It’s crucial to acknowledge that these disparities and the solutions to alleviate them don’t solely rely on utility actions but result from the rapidly changing energy landscape. The surge in electricity demand, limited capacity, and the formidable task of upgrading an entire grid’s transmission infrastructure contribute to this complex predicament.

To address this challenge, utilities need to adopt a multifaceted approach. This approach includes integrating grid-edge technologies, such as smart electrical panels and virtual power plants, which enable utilities to effectively manage distributed energy resources. These technologies allow utilities to balance the grid efficiently and accommodate the growing adoption of electrified vehicles and homes.

Moreover, data analytics and machine learning play a pivotal role in forecasting demand patterns, allowing utilities to proactively manage grid operations and optimize the utilization of renewable energy sources.

Utilities must embrace innovative solutions and data-driven strategies to lead the industry toward a more equitable clean energy future. By doing so, they can minimize the economic energy burden for low-to-moderate income customers while maximizing grid reliability, ultimately ensuring a sustainable and decarbonized energy landscape.

Darrell Proctor is a senior associate editor for POWER (@POWERmagazine).

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